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A New Historical Fiction Book

Hi friends! Just popping on the blog today to tell you all about a new historical fiction book by an author friend of mine, Among the Outcast by Amy Ullrich.  It’s set in the ninth century during the reign of Alfred the Great, and if you enjoy historical fiction books such as those by Douglas Bond, Lois Walfrid Johnson, and G. A. Henty, you just might enjoy this book! Or, if you liked my A Torch in the Empire Series , I think you'll like Amy Ullrich's books, too! Here's the back cover blurb: ​ As thunder crashes overhead, condemnation throbbing in its ominous tones, Edwin flees from the kingdom he has betrayed. With every passing mile, his hopes of ever earning King Alfred’s forgiveness grow fainter. But while he wrestles with guilt and seeks for refuge among any who will shelter him, he has no idea of the great danger closing in on his family. Unless he can face the truth about himself and find the courage to return, all may be lost. Journey back in time with this fast-pac

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