How Christians in History Saved Lives and How We Can Save Lives Today


Abortion and infanticide were rampant in the Roman Empire. Slavery was commonplace. And gladiators fought—often to the death—in the arenas. The early Christians rescued unwanted children, cared for orphans and widows, bought freedom for slaves and gladiators, and cared for the downtrodden.  

The Coliseum in Rome

In the days of the transatlantic slave trade, Christians like William Wilberforce worked tirelessly to bring about the abolition of the slave trade.   

William Wilberforce
During World War II in Nazi-controlled European countries, Jews were first discriminated against by being banned from certain places and made to wear an identifying yellow Star of David. Then they were rounded up and taken to concentration camps where they suffered unspeakable atrocities before being killed. And anyone who helped a Jew would be treated like a Jew. While many did nothing out fear, some Christians again risked their own lives to save the lives of others. Corrie ten Boom, a Dutch watchmaker, spent months in a women’s extermination camp for hiding Jews in her home. Several members of her family lost their lives. Yet Corrie and her family did not regret what they did.  

Jewish girls wearing the yellow Star of David

Yes, all throughout history, God’s people have been in the business of saving lives.  

Today, we still have opportunities to labor for the cause of life. 

The lives of millions of babies are ended by abortion. Often, the mothers feel as though they have no choice. As Christians, our job is to share the truth that every child is a gift from God, “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14). We must reach these mothers with the truth and the practical help they need.  

For many of us, the Christmas season is a time when we think more about giving. Which is fitting, because, after all, Christmas is when we celebrate the greatest gift ever given, the gift 2 Corinthians 9:15 refers to as the “indescribable gift” of God. The gift of Jesus. Though we are sinners and deserving of death and Hell, “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life,” (John 3:16).  

So here are 5 ways you can stand for life this Christmas season: 

1. Pray. How amazing that God allows us to be involved in the work He does by praying! Let’s pray for God to work in the hearts of mothers to choose life, that He would guide us on what we should do, and that He would equip more people to get involved in the fight for life.  

2.Shop the Back 40 Books and More store. This month (the month of December 2022), I will be using a large portion of the proceeds from my books and other products sold on my family’s online store to support Save the Storks, a Christian-based organization that seeks to reach abortion-minded women with love, compassion, truth, and care.   Learn more about Save the Storks on their website here.   Shop our online store here.  

3.Make a donation to Save the Storks or another pro-life organization.   You can also simply make a donation to Save the Storks here. And they’re only one of many great organizations!

4. Support your Local Pregnancy Resource Center and community.  Find out what your local pregnancy resource center’s needs are and how you can give of your time or money. And if you know any mothers in your community who could use some extra help, see what you can do.  

5. Educate. Share the truth in love with others through everyday conversation and interaction. Another way to share truth is through apparel and accessories with a message. Save the Storks has a store with a selection of T-shirts, hats, pins, etc. And Abort73 is another great organization with an assortment of gear to choose from.  

Do you have more ideas of how we can stand for life? If so, I’d love to hear from you! Leave a comment below, or contact me.  

Well, that’s all for now! 
Have a very merry Christmas season, and always remember, “He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it,” (1 Thessalonians 5:24).  
All for Him, 
Savannah Jane  
