“Pursue light even in the darkness for light remains light.” 
-The Dutch Ten Commandments for Foiling the Nazis

Hi friends! As we approach two years since I released my last book, Whether We Live or Die, I am ready to officially announce my next work in progress! The quote at the beginning of this post gave you a hint of what to expect. My next book will be…

…historical fiction set in the Netherlands during World War II! 

I don't know what the release date will be yet but will keep you all updated as things progress!

Now, more about the book… 

It’s a historically accurate portrayal of life in the Netherlands during World War II, inspired by true stories such as The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom, Return to the Hiding Place by Hans Poley, and Things We Couldn’t Say by Diet Eman. While the main characters are fictional, nearly every event is inspired by something that really happened. 

And speaking of the main characters, this book will feature four POV (point of view) characters–two boys and two girls. Let me introduce you to them…

Pieter–a university student whose desire is to stay out of conflict and danger and become a pastor, yet whose desire to do what is right is greater. 

Gerrit–a young farmer who could not stand by and do nothing in the face of evil. 

Marit–a young woman with dreams for her future and strong faith who chooses resistance over comfort. 

Elsje–an ordinary girl who risks her life to care for a Jewish baby. 

My goal is to make this a book of page-turning adventures infused with beauty, strong family relationships, and characters who are flawed and relatable, yet inspiring in their willingness to do what is right. 

It’s a story of resistance against evil. 

A story of pursuing light in the darkness. 

A story of following Jesus, no matter the cost. 

A story of the infinite worth of the kingdom of heaven. 

A story of having faith when we cannot see. 

A story of hope

I’m excited to share more about this book in the coming months! Subscribe to my email list here to receive all the updates in your inbox and get exclusive behind-the-scenes sneak peeks! 

I’ll close this post with a verse that captures the message I hope to share in this book and in all my writing: 

“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.” Matthew 13:44
