God With Us (A Christmas Devotional)
“So all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying: ‘Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,’ which is translated, ‘God with us.’” Matthew 1:22-23
Johanna Ruth Dobschiner (called Hansie by her family and friends) was a Jewish girl in her teens living in Amsterdam during World War II. As Jews, she and her family suffered greatly under the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands. Hansie’s brothers had been taken away, never to return. So when Hansie contracted scarlet fever, she and her parents rejoiced. A “Danger–Infectious Disease” notice was put up on the door, and they were safe!
While lying in bed as the family began their Hanukkah festivities, Hansie began to think deeply about God for the first time. As an Orthodox Jewish family, they faithfully attended the synagogue and followed the traditions. But was God a part of their daily lives?
As she pondered this, a deep truth penetrated her being in three words:
While in bed sick, she created a beautiful sign featuring the words “God With Us,” and also embroidered the words on handkerchiefs as gifts for her parents and the children they were fostering. As she passed out the gifts, Hansie said, “Whatever happens, and should we get separated, wherever we are, let us never forget that…” she pointed to the words, “God With Us.”
Not too long after this, Hansie’s parents were arrested, and Hansie went into hiding. It was while hiding in an attic that she read the New Testament for the first time and understood fully the truth that had been revealed to her earlier. God is with us, in Jesus!
The prophecy of Isaiah told of a virgin who would bear a Son called Immanuel, meaning “God with us.” God Himself took on human flesh and dwelt among the fallen sons of Adam and daughters of Eve as one of them and yet wholly without sin. He went through the whole of human experience and suffered on the cross and rose again for our salvation. And before He ascended into Heaven, He gave us a promise, “I am with you always…” (Matthew 28:20).
God is with us.
Johanna Ruth Dobschiner |
All Scripture taken from the New King James Version® Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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